How To Lose Belly Fat Fast And Furiously
Most people are quite extreme about losing belly fat. They will cut their calories down by a thousand a day, and yet they will not put in the effort to exercise. This is a strange paradox. If they would just get out and do some stomach exercises, they would have it made.
Exercises for your stomach are really crucial to melt the belly. They will not only decrease your belly fat, but they will also provide more support for your spine. Stomach exercises tend to reduce back problems, by creating a more upright posture.
Although there are people who are ready, willing and able to get out and exercise, most don’t know where to start. They put themselves on a daily aerobic routine, walking, running or cycling and sure, this is beautiful to work up the metabolism, but for getting rid of belly fat one needs to be more balanced and ruthless in the approach. A combination of aerobic, cardiovascular and interval training, combined with a healthy effort in your diet, is what will bring the fastest results.
No you don’t have to go to the gym, if you are not for that. And you don’t need to have hours per day to spend exercising. And obviously there are many effective approaches. Two of the best approaches I have come across truly ensures maximum results in the least amount of time. One of them involves alternate training styles for 45 minutes, 3 days a week, and another involves exercising for 2-3 minutes, every hour for 8 hours of the day, and for 5 days of the week.
In other words:
You will exercise for 2-3 minutes each at 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. At 12pm you have lunch!
You will use alternate body weight exercises, allowing you to target the whole range of core muscles.
This is a great way to break out of a plateau and to stimulate new results in your body. But abdominal exercises by themselves won’t make you lose belly fat. A healthy effort in your diet is essential.
Never skip breakfast! When you sleep, your metabolism slows down, and there is nothing like a healthy bowl of fibrous cereal and a fruit or two, to get your metabolism purring like a happy lion. Eating plenty of fibrous foods also helps aid digestion.
Eat at least four meals a day, and yes, snack in between - once again, keeping your metabolism active is one of the best things that you can concentrate on.
Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
Although I love to go to the gym, I don’t always have the time to. I usually have to do my stomach exercises, along with my cardiovascular workout, at home. At first it seemed a little difficult, but there are quite a few real effective programs available, that rely on simple body weight techniques, and the use of exercise balls. Although they are not necessary for stomach exercises, they are pretty affordable and are really effective. I highly recommend them from my own positive experience.
Get your free copy of “The Stubborn Fat Solution” at Your Top 10 Diets and visit The Healthy Living Blog for more expert articles, sample exercise routines and effective fat loss tips.
Tags: Lose Belly Fat

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