Alkaline Weight Loss Tips for Busy People

Tip #1. Drink, Drink, And Then Drink Some More!

By far the most important and yet the easiest way to accelerate your weight loss results is to hydrate consistently.  There is more research on the positive effects of hydration on weight loss than you can imagine… so I won’t bore you with the details! After all, you are a busy person, right?

Let’s just say that water is the most critical element in maintaining and facilitating your body’s chemistry (after oxygen, of course).  Strip your body of water, and it will strip you of your health, energy, and ultimately, your life! Hydration is so critical that I have dedicated an entire chapter of my e-book “Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified!” (see to the subject of hydration. The generally advised 8 glasses a day are enough if you are an “average” person:  5’8”, 160 lbs. male in good shape!  I doubt this applies to you, or else you wouldn’t be interested in weight loss, right?

So, what’s the bottom line?  To stay properly hydrated, you must drink a minimum of 7 oz. of pure (not tap) water for every 10 lbs. of body weight.  More if you’re active, work out, or live/work in a dry place.
That’s 105 oz. of pure water if you weigh 150 lbs… just over 3 liters. And don’t try to climb Mt. Everest in one day: GRADUALLY work your way up to the amount that’s right for you. One more thing: get yourself a good water filtration system.  This is not only the most cost-effective way to get pure water, but it’s probably your best bet for getting good quality water.

Finally, to make hydration more effective, all water you drink should be alkaline water. Alkalizing your water not only adds oxygen to your water, but it also helps neutralize the acids that make you fat (see Tip #2).  One of the best ways I know of to alkalize your water is through alkalizing agents like Prime pH

Avoid Coffee, Tea, Soda, And Other Acidic Drinks, I knew that after reading Tip #1 you were going to ask if coffee, tea, and soda counts! It does NOT!  As a matter of fact, you need to avoid these and all other acidic liquids in general. 

Tip #2. Avoid Foods With Preservatives, Food Coloring, And Additives

Remember what we just talked about in Tip #2 above?  Well, the same concept that holds true for acidic liquids also holds true for other poisons.  That includes all food preservatives,  food coloring, and synthetic food additives. You body wasn’t designed to digest these chemical substances, so it must either:
a.    Eliminate them, 
b.    Somehow neutralize them, or
c.    Park them away where they can’t damage your body (at least, not immediately). 

If you’re not hydrating properly (see Tip #1), then forget about (a).  Your body will then do either or both of (b) and (c).  I’ve already told you where all the poisons get “parked” away in your body (see Tip #2), so let’s look at (c). To neutralize acids, your body creates and pulls alkaline buffers from anywhere it can: 

•    It creates cholesterol to neutralize the acids (now you know why so many people
     suffer from high cholesterol problems)
•    It bleaches iron from your red blood cells (can you see how anemia develops?), 
•    It pulls calcium from your bones (can you say osteoporosis?),
•    It steals potassium from your muscle tissues (do you get muscle spasms?),
•    It pulls zinc, magnesium, and other elements from everywhere else.

These not only create additional health problems for you, but they force your body to work overtime, wasting the precious energy you worked so hard to produce on neutralizing toxins. This is energy you could be spending on staying active and losing weight.

Tip #3. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners Like The Plague That They Are Ever heard of NutraSweet, Sucralose, Aspartame, or Saccharin?

If you have been trying to lose weight, chances are you have relied on these artificial sweeteners to cut calories. Well, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but you’ve been literally shooting yourself in the foot! Here’s why: You remember what we said in Tip #2 and Tip #3 about acids, preservatives, alcohols, and
toxins?  The same holds true for artificial sweeteners, except it’s even worse here!  Artificial sweeteners not only present your body with an acidic waste removal problem, but they also affect other parts of your body in seriously adverse ways. NutraSweet, the commercial name for Aspartame, has been linked to nervous system
damage and neurological problems through countless studies. The other artificial sweeteners are not much better.  Saccharin manufacturers tell you right on the package that their product can cause cancer!  But that couldn’t happen to you, could it?

What’s the bottom line?

If you are eating or drinking any artificial sweetener, you are not only making your weight loss efforts a virtual impossibility, but you are damaging your body in ways that may not be repairable. 

Tip #4. Always Have Cut Veggies And Soaked Nuts Ready In Your Fridge

How successful do you think you would be in your weight loss program if you had to fight your cravings along the way, every minute of every hour of every day?  I bet not too successful. Well, if you were on an alkaline diet, this would not be an issue because your cravings would disappear by themselves over time. I get into that in much more details in my e-book “Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified!” But for now, I want to show you a quick way to deal with your cravings.  First thing to note is that most people cannot tell the difference between the thirst and hunger signals in their bodies. They reach for food when they are in effect thirsty (dehydrated). But this should not be an issue for you if you follow Tip #1 and hydrate properly. 

Now for the quick way to deal with your cravings… when you feel like eating something, first make sure you’re not actually thirsty.  Drink a couple of glasses of water, and wait a minute or two.  Then, if you’re still craving something, eat something good for you.  The point is to get your jaws moving.  The best trick is to use raw, cut veggies and soaked nuts, since they have the biggest crunch, require more chewing, and take the most volume in your stomach…hence, you feel full faster.

Go to your favorite supermarket, wholesale club, or farmers market, and pick up a large bag of pre-washed, cut veggies.  Optionally, pick up a couple of varieties of hummus to dip the veggies in for added taste. The best nuts to soak are almonds, with hazelnut and walnuts a distant second. Of the three, almonds are the most alkalizing, taste the best, and are the most filling. To soak almonds, just rinse them in cold water, place them in a jar/container, and fill the container with pure water. Make sure there’s enough water to cover the almonds as they plump up.   Leave the container in the fridge over night, and in the morning, take the soaked almonds out of the water, pat them dry in paper towels, and store them in an airtight container in your fridge.  They’ll keep fresh for a good 5-7 days.

Tip #5. Make A Huge Salad Every 3 Days

Ever come home so hungry you’re ready to eat the first thing that you can get your hands on?  Do you regret binging on the junk food, and wish you could have made something better to eat?

Well, this tip is going to make that happen. If you prepare a huge salad that would last you 3 straight days, you will never again come home and wonder what you can eat.  With a salad in your fridge - ready to eat - you can get started eating right away, and make something more substantial (and nutritious) while you
enjoy your salad. It may not sound like much of a tip, but believe me, I have lost count of how many times
this has saved me from binging on junk foods that I know I would later regret eating. Try it!
And you’ll see that it works. If you’re too lazy to make a salad, just go to a wholesale club, and pick up a couple of bags of the ready-made, pre-washed salads.  You must make the salad, decorate it nicely and
place it in a large bowl - ready to eat - in your fridge. Otherwise you may never eat the veggies… the salad doesn’t look too appetizing sitting in a plastic bag, does it? Just don’t cover the salad with any dressing, or mix cut cucumbers or tomatoes in it until you’re ready to eat it.  If you store these in/on your salad in the fridge, they will make the salad all watery and dripping wet – not so appealing. 

Tip #6. Breathe!

No, I’m not kidding! I bet you didn’t know that proper breathing is one of the best ways to alkalize your body – and dispose of fat.  Most people are what we in the field call “chest breathers”.  You can find out if you are one by doing a quick test: 

a.    Lay down on the floor on your back. 
b.    Put your hand on your chest. 
c.    Take a normal breath. 
d.    If your hand moved up and down with your chest, you are a chest breather.

If you find out that you do breathe with your chest, then you’re probably not using your lungs to their fullest capacity.  That, in turn, means that your body is not getting as much oxygen as it could optimally get with each breath. So what? The more oxygen you get into your body, the better you body will function, the more energy
your body will have, the easier it can get rid of the acids in your body. How do you breathe to alkalize?
You take deep breaths, filling the lower parts of your lungs to their fullest extent before filling the upper lungs (chest area). Hold the breath for a brief moment, and exhale slowly in reverse order.  You’ll need to use your diaphragm to make this happen, sticking out your stomach with each breath. What we’re after is keeping the lower parts of your lungs (the most blood-rich part) filled with air for as long as possible with each breath.
Take 10 breaths like this, 3-5 times a day, and watch the weight melt off you!

Tip #7. Combine The Right Foods

Did you know that the healthy foods you eat could be making you fat?  How? Remember what we said in Tip #2 and Tip #3?  The point was that anything that is acidic or toxic will force your body to work overtime, parking the acidic waste into fat cells, producing more cholesterol, and leaching your much-needed minerals to neutralize the acids. If the foods you eat are not combined properly, you could be causing them to spoil right in your stomach, producing acids and toxins your body must clean up. Each type of food, proteins, carbohydrates (carbs), and fats require a different internal environment in your system for proper digestion.  Carbs are mainly digested in your small intestine, and require an alkaline environment.  Proteins, on the other hand, require a more acidic environment and are mainly broken down in the stomach. When you eat carbs and proteins together, these contradicting requirements can delay the digestion of both.  This in turn could let the carbs ferment and the proteins putrefy, right in your stomach!  It’s almost like letting a cup of beef stew sit on your kitchen counter for a day or two (until it’s nice and bubbly), and then eating it!  Let me make that point clear.  Have you ever experienced acid reflux?  What did you eat that made your body revolt like that?  Think about it for a minute… unless you have a digestive disorder, it was because you were combining all sorts of proteins, carbs, fats, and may be even fruits in one meal.

Tip #8. Avoid Stress And Learn To Handle It Better

I know you’ve heard this many times from other people… and I know it’s virtually impossible to go through life these days without some stress. Nevertheless, this is one of the most important tips that can make or break your weight loss program.

You see, when your body is under a lot of stress, you experience the emotions typically associated with stress: anger, fear, anxiety, worry, frustration, hostility, etc.  Each of these emotions produces chemical reactions in your body that usually have adverse effects.  Here  are a few examples:
•    Anger, fear, and anxiety typically cause a complete shut-down of your digestive
      system.  That means the elimination of toxins STOPS!  Then what? See Tip #8 about
      undigested foods.
•    Worry, hostility, and anger cause your stomach to excrete extra acids.  The end
       results in more toxins and half-digested foods to deal with.  Definitely not good!

Tip #9. Buy & Use Top-Quality Green Powders

I saved the best for last!  This tip alone has helped many of my personal coaching clients lose a lot of weight in just a few weeks.  Why is that?  There are several reasons.  Here are two of the most important ones:

a.    Your body is constantly fighting to maintain its delicate pH balance. To do this, your body needs all   
        the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and phytochemicals it can get.  Unfortunately, most foods these  
       days are totally void of any live nutrients… and you get very little of these from your average  \
       multivitamin pills – most of the vitamins and minerals in these pills ends up in your urine.  Live, top-
       quality, green vegetable powders are the best way to get a concentrated dose of these vital organic
b.    In its natural process of digestion, respiration, and elimination, your body uses many enzymes, minerals,  
       and trace elements. Again, the best way to get these in  a concentrated form is through top-quality green
       vegetable powders.

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