Quick Weight Loss Tips

Obesity is fast becoming one of the most serious epidemics of the recent times. These days, people are becoming more and more conscious and aware of their physical appearance. Market is flooded with products that can help them to achieve quick weight loss.

There are only two ways to lose weight fast. First one is to go for some artificial means like drugs. Drugs offer you rapid results. Each of them uses different methods to deal with body fat.

Some of them don’t let fats to be absorbed in the intestinal tract and the fat is hence removed by bowels.

Some drugs use stimulants to raise the metabolic rate of the body. This also increases blood pressure and heart rate. It may cause many serious side effects.

Some of these drugs affect the hormones in the body and make them powerful. They increase lean muscle mass and hence fat is burnt.

All these methods have some serious side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, bowel pain, etc.

Now a day, it is possible to treat foods with some combinations and proportions that give them effect of drugs. In such foods, the calories are cycled which forces the body to produce its own fat burning hormones.

There are many centers that offer quick weight loss and claim to be fast, safe and easy. They guarantee 3-7 lbs of weight loss per week without exercising and eating real foods. It is however very important to consult your physician prior to starting any diet or exercise program.
Fad diets are also one of many ways to lose weight quickly. Some of these diets are-

    * Atkinson’s diet
    * 3 Day diet
    * Metabolism diet
    * Grapefruit diet

These fad diets however are not always safe for everyone. Talk to your doctor before you decide to go on any of such diet plans. But, these diets are fine for short term. They must not be continued for longer periods. Also, once the diet plan is over, don’t celebrate by eating.

You don’t have to starve yourself to lose some weight quickly. Here are some tips which would aid in quick weight loss-

Water, water and more water- Water not only keeps your body hydrated, it also gives you the feeling of being full. It metabolizes the fat stored in the body and helps the kidneys to flush out the waste and toxins.

When we drink cold water, body needs to burn some calories to bring it to the body temperature. Depending on the temperature of water and the amount you consume, you can burn around 60-70 calories in a day.

Consume more fiber- Foods that are rich in fire are bulk foods that give you feeling of being full for a longer time. Foods rich in fiber are usually low on calories. So you end up eating fewer calories and keep things moving through the bowel. These foods include whole grains, potatoes, apples, brown rice, nuts and beans.

Eat small and frequent meals- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Start your day on a healthy note and never skip it. It will avoid binging during the later part of the day. Eat sensibly and don’t overload any meal with calories.

Eat carbohydrates- Contrary to common belief, carbohydrates can actually help you lose some weight. What is important is to choose the right kind of carbohydrates. Best are the ones from the earth without processing and refining. This includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Do a combination of diet and exercise- More diet and less exercise is what is causing the obesity in adults as well as kids. Though, many of the options available to lose weight fast are not safe for kids, but this one is. Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise not only helps to lose weight, but also helps to keep it off.

The quick weight loss may not be the best solutions after all. The ideal weight loss should actually be around 1-2 pounds in a week. This must be attained by healthy eating and regular exercise. That is the best, safe, smart and healthy way to lose unwanted pounds. Losing too much too quick will have some health risks. It may also mean that you are losing muscle and not fat, which is not good. So, be careful when you decide on any method of losing weight. It is your health, and you must take care of it.

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