What Kind of Exercise For Weight Loss?

Although any kind of physical movement requires energy (calories), the type of exercise that
uses the most energy is aerobic exercise. The term "aerobic" is derived from the Greek word
meaning "with oxygen." Jogging, brisk walking, swimming, biking, cross-country skiing and
aerobic dancing are some popular forms of aerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercises use the body's large muscle groups in continuous, rhythmic, sustained
movement and require oxygen for the production of energy. When oxygen is combined with food
(which can come from stored fat) energy is produced to power the body's musculature. The longer
you move aerobically, the more energy needed and the more calories used. Regular aerobic
exercise will improve your cardiorespiratory endurance, the ability of your heart, lungs, blood
vessels and associated tissues to use oxygen to produce energy needed for activity. You'll build a
healthier body while getting rid of excess body fat.

In addition to the aerobic exercise, supplement your program with muscle strengthening and
stretching exercises. The stronger your muscles, the longer you will be able to keep going during
aerobic activity, and the less chance of injury.

How Much? How Often?

Experts recommend that you do some form of aerobic exercise at least three times a week for a
minimum of 20 continuous minutes. Of course, if that is too much, start with a shorter time span
and gradually build up to the minimum. Then gradually progress until you are able to work
aerobically for 20-40 minutes. If you need to lose a large amount of weight, you may want to do
your aerobic workout five times a week.

It is important to exercise at an intensity vigorous enough to cause your heart rate and
breathing to increase. How hard you should exercise depends to a certain degree on your age, and
is determined by measuring your heart rate in beats per minute.

The heart rate you should maintain is called your target heart rate, and there are several ways
you can arrive at this figure. The simplest is to subtract your age from 220 and then calculate 60
to 80 percent of that figure. Beginners should maintain the 60 percent level, more advanced can
work up to the 80 percent level. This is just a guide however, and people with any medical
limitations should discuss this formula with their physician.

You can do different types of aerobic activities, say walking one day, riding a bike the next.
Make sure you choose an activity that can be done regularly, and is enjoyable for you.  The
important thing to remember is not to skip too many days between workouts or fitness benefits
will be lost. If you must lose a few days, gradually work back into your routine.

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