Exercise And Physical Activity Tips
Exercise And Physical Activity Tips
- Walk to work.
- Ask a friend to exercise with you.
- Bicycle to the store instead of driving.
- Bike to the barbershop or beauty salon instead of driving.
- Buy a set of hand weights and play a round of Simon Says with your kids - you do it with the weights, they do without.
- Visit museums, the zoo, or an aquarium. You and your family can walk for hours and not realize it.
- Carry your groceries instead of pushing a cart.
- Choose activities you enjoy & you'll be more likely to stick with them.
- Choose an activity that fits into your daily life.
- Clean your closet and donate clothes that are too big.
- Dance to music.
- Do sit-ups in front of the TV.
- Do yard work.
- Exercise with a video if the weather is bad.
- Explore new physical activities.
- Take a hike.
- Fetch the newspaper yourself.
- Get off a bus stop early & walk.
- Go for a half-hour walk instead of watching TV.
- If you find it difficult to be active after work, try it before work.
- Keep a pair of comfortable walking or running shoes in your car and office.
- Make a Saturday morning walk a group habit.
- Make time in your day for physical activity.
- Mow lawn with push mower.
- Pace the sidelines at kids' athletic games.
- Park farther from destination and walk.
- Perform gardening or home repair activities.
- Play with your kids 30 minutes a day.
- Replace Sunday drive with Sunday walk.
- Run when running errands.
- Sit up straight at work.
- Skate to work instead of driving.
- Stretch before bed to give you more energy when you wake.
- Swim with your kids.
- Take a walk or do desk exercises instead of a cigarette or coffee break.
- Take dog to the park.
- Take family walk after dinner.
- Take small trips on foot to get your body moving.
- Take the long way to the water cooler.
- Take your dog on longer walks.
- Use a snow shovel instead of a snow blower.
- Vary your activities, for interest and to broaden the range of benefits.
- Walk briskly in the mall.
- Walk briskly through the mall and shop 'til you drop ... pounds.
- Walk during lunch hour.
- Walk instead of driving whenever you can.
- Walk instead of sitting around.
- Walk the beach instead of sunbathing.
- Walk to a co-worker's desk instead of emailing or calling them.
- Walk to your place of worship instead of driving.
- Wash the car by hand.
- When walking, go up the hills instead of around them.
- Work around the house.
- Get a dog and walk it.
- Join an exercise group.
- Stay active in winter. Play with your kids.
- Walk kids to school.
- Take stairs instead of the escalator.
Tags: Exercise, Fitness, Weight Control

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