
Akavar is a dietary supplement that has been gaining a lot of ground as of late. It is touted as a supplement that you can eat anything that you want, but will still lose weight. Obesity is on the rise in this country – it is, without a doubt, a pandemic.

With weight being such an issue for over one third of the population of the United States it is no wonder at all that we are always on the look out for a quick way to lose weight. We do this in despite of the fact that weight loss should be gradual and is, in fact, detrimental to our health. You need to be able to eat healthy while maintaining a proper exercise program. Unfortunately, in this society, we have too hard of a time following any sort of plan and then require extra assistance. It is because of this that we find ourselves requiring a little extra help.

Akavar is not approved by the federal drug administration and it has never been shown to cause harm let alone help an individual. The fact is that Akavar has in it a lot of caffeine. This caffeine can interact with anxiety disorders to make them increasingly worse while you are taking Akavar and if you are on medication for an Anxiety disorder you should ignore taking any Akavar product. The same holds true if you happen to have a heart condition because caffeine increases the heart rate and Akavar, containing caffeine, can increase your heart rate. Your blood sugar is also affected and if you have diabetes you will have to check your blood sugar more regularly.

Persons who have glaucoma should avoid taking Akavar until they see their primary care physician as caffeine can make your glaucoma a lot worse. This caffeine will increase your blood pressure as well but this is not always a problem for everyone but it should still be watched regardless. If you are a fan of coffee and you are taking Akavar you must keep in mind that you will be doubling up on your caffeine intake. Calcium loss can also be an issue for those who are taking Akavar. This is, again, due to the caffeine that is found in Akavar and you may need to take a calcium supplement.

There is no known explanation on just why Akavar works for achieving weight loss. Some of the ingredients found in Akavar include caffeine (which, as explained earlier, can have several side effects) which can cause a decrease in appetite as well as an increase in your metabolism.

The web site for the Akavar supplement states the claim that the product has been "scientifically proven" to cause a significant weight loss. These claims are attributed to the so-called results of a case study (a very small one) and the results thereof. This study, however, is not mentioned. The name is not known nor is a published date. None of which are provided by the company. This raises some eyebrows because there are no reliable sources. Without there being any sort of information there is no way to find a real published case study on the effects (or lack thereof) of Akavar. Even if we assume the study is a valid one there has to be an understanding that a study that only consists of 24 people is not a good test.

Akavar's television ads state that there is no way they could say this or that on television if it was not true. That claim is false right off the bat because television is not regulated by the so-called truth commission. The federal trade commission regulates products and how they are advertised but do not conduct any type of screening of the products prior to allowing them on air.

The manufacturer of Akavar, Dynakor Pharmacal is also affiliated with a company known as Basic Research. This company has been in trouble over the years by the federal trade commission by using false statements I their advertisements in order to sell products including telling the viewer that a consultant was a doctor when, in fact, he was not. They refuse to list their address anywhere and there is very little information available about them other than the fact that they make Akavar.

Akavar is a drug that uses a lot of caffeine to allow your body to lose weight. This is no different than those over the counter drugs that have been around for years. Your body takes the caffeine and turns it into energy that your body burns up and burns fat with it.

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