Exercise and Modern Living

One thing is certain. Most people do not get enough exercise in their ordinary routines. All of
the advances of modern  technology – from electric can openers to power steering – have made
life easier, more comfortable and much less physically demanding. Yet our bodies need activity,
especially if they are carrying around too much fat. Satisfying this need requires a definite plan,
and a commitment. There are two main ways to increase the number of calories you expend:

        1. Start a regular exercise program if you do not have one already.
        2. Increase the amount of physical activity in your daily routine.

The best way to control your weight is a combination of the above. The sum total of calories
used over time will help regulate your weight as well as keep you physically fit.

Active Lifestyles

Before looking at what kind of regular exercise program is best, let's look at how you can
increase the amount of physical activity in your daily routine to supplement your exercise

• Recreational pursuits such as gardening on weekends, bowling in the office league, family
   outings, an evening of social dancing, and many other activities provide added exercise. They are
   fun and can be considered an extra bonus in your weight control campaign.

• Add more "action" to your day. Walk to the neighborhood grocery store instead of using the
   car. Park several blocks from the office and walk the rest of the way. Walk up the stairs instead of
   using the elevator; start with one flight of steps and gradually increase.

• Change your attitude toward movement.  Instead of considering an extra little walk or trip to
   the files an annoyance, look upon it as an added fitness boost. Look for opportunities to use your
   body. Bend, stretch, reach, move, lift and carry. Time-saving devices and gadgets eliminate
   drudgery and are a bonus to mankind, but when they substitute too often for physical activity they
   can demand a high cost in health, vigor and fitness.

These little bits of action are cumulative in their effects.  Alone, each does not burn a huge
amount of calories.  But when added together they can result in a sizable amount of energy used
over the course of the day. And they will help improve your muscle tone and flexibility at the
same time.

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