WEBMD - Weight Loss Program


The WebMD Diet Clinic is a diet plan run by the WebMD website, an online source for tons and tons of health information provided by real physicians. They have taken their reputation for health advice and applied it to a diet plan, run completely off of their website, with users forming accounts and logging in for their dieting plans and advice.


The plan for this diet is simple enough - you create a profile, which includes a step where you answer several questions regarding your body, your current eating habits, the foods you prefer to eat, your weight loss and management goals - then the experts on their staff will determine a plan of action, with daily meal plans being provided, and from there your progress is tracked, and modifications to your diet can be made based on your preliminary results.

One great aspect to this diet is that while on it, you are learning to modify your eating habits so once they are not telling you exactly what you should be eating, you will still be capable of managing your weight.
A negative aspect is that when not following the plan, it will be easier to fall back into old habits. Users become very dependant on the program to keep them in check, and when not being taken through the diet anymore, you might not have assimilated the eating tactics developed in the plan.

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